Christian Azevedo
Master's student (PPGBIO)
Luiza Andres
Master's student (PPGCS)
Residente do Programa de Residência Médica em Oncologia Clínica da UFCSPA/SANTA CASA
Former lab members
Adriana Mota
Former undergrad researcher
Currently,, at the Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Santa Casa de Misericórdia, and
Dept. of Internal Medicine,
Conceição Hospitalar Group, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Ana Cristina Sabrito
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, at Clinical Research Associate II at Syneos Health, Porto Alegre - RS (Brazil).
Ana Paula Duarte de Souza
Former PhD student and post doc researcher
Currently an Associate professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Ana Paula Ornaghi
Former undergrad, MSc student
Currently, a technician at the Laboratory of Medical Genetics and Evolution at UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Anne Garcia
Former PhD student and post doc
Currently, Postdoctoral Researcher na University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences in Minneapolis (USA).
Barbara Porto
Former Post doc researcher
Currently, an Assistant Professor in Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at UManitoba, Scientist at Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, in Manitoba (Canada).
Carla Schmitz Vigo
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, Physician Director at Effetto Medicina Reprodutiva; Caxias do Sul, RS (Brazil).
Fábio Luiz Dal Moro Maito
Former PhD student
Currently, an Associate professor at PUCRS teaching in the Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Biomedicine courses, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Felipe Machado
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, a pneumologist at Tacchini Hospital and a professor at Univates in Lajeado, RS (Brazil).
Giuliano Cruz
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, a research assistant at British Columbia Children's Hospital Research Institute (Canada) and BiomeHub Research and Development (Brazil).
Laura Mota
Former undergrad researcher
Currently: a doctor for the Divina Providencia network, acting as a primary care physician in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)
Leonardo Munari
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, a Scientific Associate at Synergy Medical Communications in London (United Kingdom).
Luiz Rodrigues
Former undergrad, MSc and PhD student
Currently, an Associate Professor at UFCSPA, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Mauricio Rigo
Former post doc researcher
Currently, a Senior Research Associate at Hackensack Meridian Health in Nutley, NJ (USA).
Natália Jaeger
Former undergrad and MSc student
Currently, a PhD student at Washington University at St Louis, MO (USA).
Priscila Oliveira de Souza
Former post doc researcher
Currently, a Biologist at the Gaffrée e Guinle University Hospital (EBSERH) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rafael Czepielewski
Former MSc and PhD student
Currently an Assistant Professor at the Immunology Center of Georgia, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University.
Rafael Lisboa
Former MSc student
Currently, a lab technician at the Plant Health Department at the Agronomy School at UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Rafael Zanin
Former post doc researcher
Currently, a coordinator of the graduate program in Health and Human Development (Unilasalle-RS) and Professorat the Health and Life Sciences School (PUCRS) in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Regis Antonioli Junior
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, a Masters student at UFRGS in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Valdir Barth
Former MSc and PhD student
Currently, a post doc at the Chemistry Institute at USP.
Thiago Borges
Former undergrad, MSc, PhD student, post doc
Currently, an Instructor in Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA).
Thiago Willers
Former undergrad researcher
Currently, a doctor at Hospital Santa Casa and vice-coordinator for the Rheumatology residency, in Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil).
Thiago Detanico
Former undergrad, MSc, PhD student
Currently, a Senior Scientist in Immunology at Avidity Biosciences, Inc, in San Diego (USA).
Tiago Fazolo
Former PhD student and post doc
Currently, a working at the Health Department of Porto Alegre (Brazil).